solve each equation


n = -4 or 4

-4 x -4 = 16, so 16-16 = 0
4 x 4 = 16, so 16-16 = 0

(n-4)(n+4) = 0

x = 4 or n = -4

To solve the equation n^2 - 16 = 0, we can use the square root property.

Step 1: First, we move the constant term (-16) to the other side of the equation, which changes its sign:
n^2 = 16

Step 2: To isolate the variable n, we take the square root of both sides of the equation:
√(n^2) = √16

Remember that when taking the square root, we have to consider both the positive and negative roots of a squared number.

Step 3: Simplify both sides of the equation:
n = ± 4

Thus, the solutions to the equation n^2 - 16 = 0 are n = 4 and n = -4.