4a-1-2a = 5+3(2a-6)

4a - 1 - 2a = 5 + 3(2a - 6).

4a - 1 - 2a = 5 + 6a - 18,
4a - 2a - 6a = 5 - 18 + 1,
-4a = -12,
a = -12 / -4 = 3.


To simplify the given equation, we need to apply the order of operations, which states that we need to perform operations inside parentheses first, then multiply/divide from left to right, and finally, add/subtract from left to right.

Let's solve the equation step by step:

1. Distribute the 3 to each term inside the parentheses:
4a - 1 - 2a = 5 + 3 * 2a - 3 * 6

Simplified equation: 4a - 1 - 2a = 5 + 6a - 18

2. Combine like terms on both sides of the equation:
(4a - 2a) - 1 = 6a - 13

Simplified equation: 2a - 1 = 6a - 13

3. Move all terms involving 'a' to one side of the equation by subtracting 2a from both sides:
(2a - 1) - 2a = (6a - 13) - 2a

Simplified equation: -1 = 4a - 13

4. Move the constant term to the other side of the equation by adding 13 to both sides:
-1 + 13 = 4a - 13 + 13

Simplified equation: 12 = 4a

5. Simplify further by dividing both sides by 4 to solve for 'a':
12/4 = (4a)/4

Simplified equation: 3 = a

Therefore, the solution to the equation 4a - 1 - 2a = 5 + 3(2a - 6) is a = 3.