how do you draw translations of rotation of 90 degrees im not sure?

To draw the translation of a rotation of 90 degrees, follow these steps:

1. Start by drawing the shape or object that you want to rotate.
2. Choose a point around which you want to rotate the shape. This point is called the center of rotation.
3. Draw a straight line passing through the center of rotation and any point on the shape you want to rotate. This line is the axis of rotation.
4. Measure the distance between the center of rotation and the point on the shape to be rotated. This distance is the radius.
5. Using a protractor, measure a 90-degree angle (a right angle) from the axis of rotation in the direction of the desired rotation.
6. The point where the 90-degree angle intersects the axis of rotation will be the new position of the point on the shape after rotation.
7. Repeat steps 4-6 for each point on the shape that you want to rotate.

Remember, in a translation, all points on the shape move the same distance and direction. So, you can simply mark the new position of each point using the measurements from the previous steps. Joining these new positions will give you the translation of rotation of 90 degrees.

Alternatively, you can use geometry software such as GeoGebra or Desmos, which have tools specifically designed for constructing and visualizing geometric transformations. These tools can simplify the process and provide a more accurate representation of the rotated shape.