The number of people waiting in a line for a movie

hours (x) people (y)
1 170
2 230
3 290
4 350

Is this discrete or continuous data?

To determine whether the given data is discrete or continuous, we need to understand the nature of the data and how it is measured.

In this case, we are given the number of people waiting in a line for a movie at different hours. The data can only take specific, whole number values. For example, at hour 1, there were 170 people, at hour 2, there were 230 people, and so on. It is not possible to have fractional or intermediate values between these numbers.

Therefore, the given data is discrete because it represents a count or a distinct value at each hour, rather than a continuous range of values.

To summarize, the number of people waiting in a line for a movie at different hours is an example of discrete data.