my son has to pick out "key words" in a story. what are "key words" and can I get an example? Please and thanks.

What grade level is this?

Have you been given a particular story? Title and author??

third grade...the story is "Nothing is impossible said Nelly Bly" by Judy Carlson

That story must still be under copyright. I can't find it online.

Try these steps:

1. Read the story aloud (either you read to your son or your son reads to you or you alternate paragraphs or pages).

2. Ask him to tell you what the main scenes are in the story. (places)

3. Ask him to tell you what the main actions are in the story.

4. Once he has those things firmly in his mind, ask him to give you 6-8 words that are very important in the story. As he's telling you, jot them down and then the two of you can go over them. If you don't agree with his chosen words, don't openly disagree, but ask him about each one. Then ask him if there are any other words that he thinks he should include.

Thank you. Will do.

"Key words" are words or phrases that are important to understanding the main concept or idea of a story. They often play a significant role in conveying the message or theme of the text. Identifying key words helps readers to focus on essential information and gain a better understanding of the overall content.

To find key words in a story, encourage your son to follow these steps:

1. Read the story: Start by reading the entire story or passage carefully to get a general sense of the content.

2. Identify the main idea: Determine the main concept or theme of the story. This can usually be found in the opening or closing paragraphs, or in a significant event or conflict within the narrative.

3. Look for recurring words: Pay attention to words or phrases that appear frequently throughout the story. These are often key words that emphasize important ideas.

4. Highlight or underline: Encourage your son to use a highlighter or pencil to mark the words or phrases he believes are key to understanding the story.

Here's an example to illustrate the process:

Let's say the story is about a girl who discovers a magical key that opens doors to different worlds. The main idea of the story might be the girl's journey of exploration and self-discovery.

Key words in this story could include:
- Magical key
- Doors
- Different worlds
- Exploration
- Self-discovery

By emphasizing and understanding these key words, your son can gain a better comprehension of the story and its significant elements.