20. Es viernes. Vamos a mi casa para ver E.T. en ______.

a. mi videocasetera
b. el cine
c. el equipo de sonido
d. mis fotos

21. Nuestro apartamentos es ________.
a. grande y cómoda
b. grande pero incómoda
c. pequeña e incómoda
d. pequeña pero cómodo

22. "¿Viven Uds. en una cuidad grande o pequeña?"
"Inés y yo ____ en una cuidad bastante pequeña."
a. vivo
b. vivimos
c. vivís
d. viven
C or D?

23. Tenemos ______ para dos coches.
a. un sótano
b. un piso
c. un cuarto
d. un garaje

24. ¿Te gustan _____ carteles de los Beatles?
a. nuestros
b. nuestro
c. nuestra
d. nuestras
C or D? ..Not sure..

27. Hoy ______. Me siento mal.
a. no puedo hacer ejercicio
b. no van a la escuela
c. no debo llamar al medico
d. hace buen tiempo
I think it's A


21. "apartamento" = mascuine singular None of them will work because you must have mistyped an adjective. I"ll bet it's "pequeño"in D.

22. The question says Uds. = you all so the answer must say nosotros = we = b

Are you guessing wildly, MC? You MUST look for the cues. With adjectives they MUST agree with the noun modified in number (singuar/plural) and gender (masculine/feminine). Get that DOWN PAT. Then for verbs watch the markers on the end of the verb. I already typed them out for you once.
yo = o (hablo)
tú = s (hablas)
él/ella/Ud. = vowel, a or e (habla)
nosotros/nosotras = mos (hablamos)
vosotros/vosotras = is = habáis
ellos/ellas/Uds. = n (hablan)

Get that down NEXT.

Now, answering questions...
¿yo¿ = tú or Ud.
¿tú? = yo
Ud. = yo
nosotros/nosotras = nosotros if we are in your group but Uds. if we are not
Uds. = nosotros

Be sure to understand that. You will not have difficulty with él/ella/ellos/ellas because it's the same subject in the answer.

24. "carteles" is masculine, plural so a is the only answer

The rest are correct. Now take those 3 "cues" I typed above for you. Color-code them or whatever you have to do to stop the wild guessing!


I didn't mistype anything; that's how it's written in my book. Also, I wasn't wildly guessing, I just get confused easily!

Thanks though

For question 20, the correct answer is b. el cine. To determine the answer, you need to understand the context of the sentence. The question asks where they are going to watch E.T., and the options are mi videocasetera (my VCR), el cine (the cinema), el equipo de sonido (the sound system), and mis fotos (my photos). The most logical choice is b. el cine since watching a movie at a cinema is a common activity.

For question 21, the correct answer is d. pequeña pero cómodo. To determine the answer, you need to understand the context of the sentence. The question asks about their apartment, and the options are grande y cómoda (big and comfortable), grande pero incómoda (big but uncomfortable), pequeña e incómoda (small and uncomfortable), and pequeña pero cómodo (small but comfortable). Based on the information given, stating "Inés y yo ____ en una cuidad bastante pequeña," it implies that Inés and the speaker live in an apartment that is small but comfortable, so the correct answer is d. pequeña pero cómodo.

For question 22, the correct answer is b. vivimos. To determine the answer, you need to understand the subject and verb agreement. The question asks about their living situation, and the options are vivo (I live), vivimos (we live), vivís (you all live), and viven (they live). Based on the response "Inés y yo ____ en una cuidad bastante pequeña," it implies that Inés and the speaker are talking about themselves, so the correct answer is b. vivimos.

For question 23, the correct answer is d. un garaje. To determine the answer, you need to know the purpose of the given space. The question asks about what they have for two cars, and the options are un sótano (a basement), un piso (a floor/apartment), un cuarto (a room), and un garaje (a garage). Based on the information provided, a garage is used to park cars, so the correct answer is d. un garaje.

For question 24, the correct answer is d. nuestras. To determine the answer, you need to understand possessive pronouns and agreement. The question asks about the Beatles' posters, and the options are nuestros (our), nuestro (our), nuestra (our), and nuestras (our). Since "carteles" is plural, the correct possessive pronoun should also be plural, so the correct answer is d. nuestras.

For question 27, the correct answer is a. no puedo hacer ejercicio. To determine the answer, you need to understand the context of the sentence. The question talks about how the person feels today, and the options are no puedo hacer ejercicio (I can't exercise), no van a la escuela (they don't go to school), no debo llamar al médico (I shouldn't call the doctor), and hace buen tiempo (it's good weather). Based on the statement "Me siento mal," meaning "I feel bad/ill," the most appropriate option is a. no puedo hacer ejercicio.