What are two common leisure activities in the Spanish-speaking world?

(1 point)

ver una película y hablar con amigos

ir al parque y comer ensalada

estar en casa y beber batidos

Corpus Christi y visitar Coyoacán

ver una película y hablar con amigos

What is one of the things usually found in the center of a

plaza in a Spanish-speaking country?
(1 point)

a playground

a toll booth

a statue

a church

a statue

Which two words best describe the narrator’s opinion of

(1 point)
loud and chaotic
trendy and colorful
quiet and boring
charming and relaxing

charming and relaxing

Which two words are closest in meaning to a México City

(1 point)
museum or attraction
borough or suburb
office or building
artist or performer

borough or suburb