the first kingdom in nubia was called kerma. what contact did the people of kerma have with egypt? in what ways were they liike the egyptians?

The people of Kerma, the first kingdom in Nubia, had considerable contact with ancient Egypt. The relationship between Kerma and Egypt can be understood through the lenses of trade, cultural exchange, and even military conflicts.

To determine the extent of contact between Kerma and Egypt and the ways in which they were similar, you can follow these steps:

1. Research historical records: Study ancient Egyptian texts, inscriptions, and archaeological findings that mention contacts between Egypt and Nubia. These sources can provide valuable insights into the relationship between the two civilizations.

2. Look for evidence of trade: Investigate the evidence of trade between Kerma and Egypt. For instance, examine artifacts and material culture found at archaeological sites to identify goods exchanged between the two regions. Egypt and Kerma likely traded commodities such as luxury goods, gold, ivory, and livestock.

3. Study cultural influences: Analyze the cultural aspects of Kerma to identify similarities with ancient Egypt. Examine architecture, art, religious practices, and burial customs to identify any shared features or influences. The presence of Egyptian-style temples and goods in Kerma, such as pottery or jewelry, suggests cultural exchanges.

4. Evaluate political interactions: Consider the political dynamics between Kerma and Egypt. There were instances of both cooperation and conflict, as Egypt sought to expand its influence into Nubia. The relationship ranged from trade partnerships and intermarriages to military campaigns and even Egyptian control over Kerma during certain periods.

By exploring these avenues, you can form a comprehensive understanding of the contact between the people of Kerma and Egypt and identify similarities in their cultural practices.

that believed that kerma was good

ms. i will sue u.... ummmm i cant ansr dat cuz i dunno.. Duh.