when an elephant casts a 2.5 meter shadow, a man 2 meters tall casts a 1.5 meter shadow. how tall is the elephant

Let x = the elephants height

x/2.5 = 2/1.5

1.5x = 5
x = 5/1.5
x = 3.33

To find the height of the elephant, we can set up a proportion using the measurements provided:

Let's assign the height of the elephant as 'e'.

Height of the man = 2 meters
Shadow of the man = 1.5 meters

Height of the elephant = e meters
Shadow of the elephant = 2.5 meters

Using the proportion:

(man's height) / (man's shadow) = (elephant's height) / (elephant's shadow)

We can substitute the given values:

2 / 1.5 = e / 2.5

Cross-multiplying, we get:

2 * 2.5 = 1.5 * e

5 = 1.5 * e

Dividing both sides by 1.5:

5 / 1.5 = e

e ≈ 3.33

Therefore, the estimated height of the elephant is approximately 3.33 meters.

To find the height of the elephant, we can set up a proportion using the shadows and heights of both the elephant and the man.

Let's assume the height of the elephant is 'x' meters.

The proportion can be set up as follows:

(elephant height) / (elephant shadow) = (man height) / (man shadow)

Substituting the given values:

x / 2.5 = 2 / 1.5

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply and then divide:

x = (2 / 1.5) * 2.5

x ≈ 3.33 meters

Therefore, the height of the elephant is approximately 3.33 meters.