If ray AH bisects <GAB, find the measures of <GAH and<BAH.

<GAH is acute and <BAH is obuse.

Need more information.

Recheck your problem.

there's a picture but i don't understand because that IS all the info that they gave me. there is no numbers, just that problem and the angle picture.

A line that bisects an angle divides it into two congruent parts.

So if ray AH bisects <GAB, then
angle GAH = angle BAH ? You are saying
<GAH is acute and <BAH is obtuse?

Does the problem state ray AH bisects <GAB or are your looking at a picture and YOU are making this assumption?

Maybe a math tutor will see this problem and from their vast experience can answer this.

Sorry for the confusion but my bro looked at the picture and helped. It would've been easy if u could've seen the pic. Sorry again!!!!! :(

To find the measures of <GAH and <BAH, we need to understand what it means for ray AH to bisect <GAB.

When a ray bisects an angle, it divides the angle into two equal parts. In this case, ray AH bisects <GAB, meaning it divides <GAB into two congruent angles, <GAH and <BAH.

Since <GAH is acute and <BAH is obtuse, we can conclude that <GAH and <BAH are supplementary angles. This means that the sum of their measures is 180 degrees.

To find the measures of these angles, we need more information about the angle <GAB. If the measure of <GAB is given, we can determine the measures of <GAH and <BAH.

For example, if the measure of <GAB is 120 degrees, we can divide it into two congruent angles, <GAH and <BAH. Since they are congruent and supplementary, each angle would measure 60 degrees.

However, without knowing the measure of <GAB, we cannot determine the specific measures of <GAH and <BAH.