I need to put it in imparfait or passe compose /nous sommes alles a la fete foraine. C' (etre) magnifique! Mon pere mangeait son diner,quand je. (Rentrer) a la maison.

L'imparfait is for ongoing action, the middle of something which had to have a beginning but as far as we know it may not have ended yet. The English translation would be: he was eating, he used eat, he ate.

Le passé composé is for an action that ended. The English would be he went home, he did go home.

Nous sommes allés à la fête foraine. C'était magnifique! Mon père maneait son dîner quand je suis rentré (if you are male) OR je suis rentrée (if y ou are female) `la maison.

Shame on you for asking us to DO your work. We HELP but you must DO the work. Tell us how we may HELP you but, please, you DO the work.

Sra (aka Mme)

In French « manger un repas » (to eat a meal) looks awkward. We would say « prendre un repas » (to take a meal) instead.

Thus : “mon père prenait son dîner” would be more correct. However you can say “manger un sandwich”

To put the sentence "nous sommes allés à la fête foraine" in either imparfait or passé composé, you need to decide which tense is more appropriate based on the context of the sentence.

If you want to express a specific action that happened in the past and is already completed, you would use the passé composé tense.

If you want to express a past habit or ongoing action in the past, you would use the imparfait tense.

Here are the two possibilities:

Imparfait: Nous allions à la fête foraine. C'était magnifique! (We used to go to the amusement park. It was fantastic!)

Passé composé: Nous sommes allés à la fête foraine. C'était magnifique! (We went to the amusement park. It was fantastic!)

For the second part of your question:

To put the sentence "Mon père mangeait son dîner quand je rentrais à la maison" in either imparfait or passé composé, you should choose the tense based on when the actions occurred.

Imparfait: Mon père mangeait son dîner quand je rentrais à la maison. (My father was eating his dinner when I was coming back home.)

Passé composé: Mon père mangeait son dîner quand je suis rentré(e) à la maison. (My father was eating his dinner when I came back home.)

To determine whether to use the imparfait or passe compose tense for each verb in the given sentences, let's analyze each situation separately.

1. "Nous sommes allés à la fête foraine. C' (être) magnifique!"
Here, we need to choose between imparfait and passe compose for the verb "être" in the blank space. To decide, we must examine whether the verb describes an ongoing action or a completed action.

In this case, "C'était magnifique!" is a description of the state of the party being magnificent. It doesn't imply a specific point of completion or an action resulting in a change. Therefore, we should use the imparfait tense for the verb "être" in this sentence.

Correct answer: Nous sommes allés à la fête foraine. C'était magnifique!

2. "Mon père mangeait son dîner quand je (rentrer) à la maison."
For the blank space, we need to choose between imparfait and passe compose for the verb "rentrer." To decide, we need to determine whether the action of "rentrer" is ongoing or completed.

In this case, the verb "rentrer" describes a specific point in the past when the action was completed – when the speaker arrived home. Therefore, we should use the passe compose tense for the verb "rentrer" in this sentence.

Correct answer: Mon père mangeait son dîner quand je suis rentré(e) à la maison.

Note: The ending of the verb "rentrer" varies depending on the gender of the speaker. Use "rentré" if you are male, or "rentrée" if you are female.