the exterior angle and one interior opposite angle of each triangle are given.find the other interior opposite angle and the third angle of each triangle.given-120degre,45degree

I do not understand your post.

Exterior angle? Where? Which one?

"find the other interior opposite angle"
Other? Interior? Opposite what?

"and the third angle of each triangle"
How many angles do you expect someone to find?

Please re-read your post. Think of it like this--If you knew absolutely nothing about this problem, could you solve this problem the way your post is worded?

To find the other interior opposite angle and the third angle of each triangle, we can use the fact that the sum of the angles in a triangle is always 180 degrees.

Let's call the given exterior angle "x" and the given interior opposite angle "y".

1. Finding the other interior opposite angle:
Since the sum of the exterior angle and the interior opposite angle is always 180 degrees, we can subtract the given exterior angle from 180 to find the other interior opposite angle.

Other interior opposite angle = 180 degrees - given exterior angle

In this case, the given exterior angle is 120 degrees.

Other interior opposite angle = 180 degrees - 120 degrees
Other interior opposite angle = 60 degrees

So, the other interior opposite angle is 60 degrees.

2. Finding the third angle:
Since the sum of all three angles in a triangle is always 180 degrees, we can subtract the sum of the two given angles from 180 to find the third angle.

Third angle = 180 degrees - (given exterior angle + given interior opposite angle)

In this case, the given exterior angle is 120 degrees and the given interior opposite angle is 45 degrees.

Third angle = 180 degrees - (120 degrees + 45 degrees)
Third angle = 180 degrees - 165 degrees
Third angle = 15 degrees

So, the third angle is 15 degrees.

To summarize:
- The other interior opposite angle is 60 degrees.
- The third angle is 15 degrees.

Please note that these calculations are valid assuming a triangle and following the given information.