In the Middle and Southern colonies, how was education for poor girls was accomplished

Essentially, poor girls didn't get any education in those colonies.

To understand how education for poor girls was accomplished in the Middle and Southern colonies, let's break it down into a few steps:

1. Research the educational system: Start by researching and understanding the educational system in the Middle and Southern colonies during the specific time period you are interested in. Look for primary and secondary sources such as historical documents, books, and academic journals.

2. Examine educational opportunities: Find out what educational opportunities were available to girls in general during that time period. Look into the types of schools, curriculum, and social attitudes towards educating girls.

3. Consider differences for poor girls: Next, focus specifically on the educational provisions for poor girls. Explore whether there were any distinct programs or initiatives aimed at providing education to those from lower socio-economic backgrounds.

4. Explore charity and religious organizations: Investigate whether there were any charity or religious organizations that played a role in the education of poor girls. These groups often established schools or funded education for the less fortunate.

5. Analyze the role of families and communities: Assess the extent to which families and local communities took responsibility for educating poor girls. In many cases, families may have relied on informal methods or apprenticeships for their daughters' education.

6. Consider the impact of legal structures and social norms: Research the legal structures and social norms of the time that may have influenced the education of poor girls. For example, explore how the lack of legal requirements or societal expectations affected their access to formal education.

By following these steps, you will have a better understanding of how education for poor girls in the Middle and Southern colonies was accomplished. Remember to consult a variety of sources to gain a comprehensive view, and be mindful of any regional or temporal variations that may exist within the colonies.