Y-8 = -4/3(x+3)

If this was in slope intercept form I would have been able to plot it on the graph, but all the fractions and stuff are mixed up so how do I do this?

I posted twice, just ignore the response @ 9:43 pm saying "ignore"

my 1st post with your problem solved is correct

Thanks a lot:)

To graph the equation Y-8 = -(4/3)(x+3), we can start by rearranging it into the slope-intercept form, which is written as y = mx + b, where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept.

Let's proceed step-by-step to convert the equation into slope-intercept form:

1. Distribute the -(4/3) to the terms inside the parentheses: Y - 8 = -(4/3)(x) - (4/3)(3).
Simplifying this gives: Y - 8 = -(4/3)x - 4.

2. Next, move the constant term (-8) to the other side of the equation by adding 8 to both sides:
Y = -(4/3)x - 4 + 8.
Simplifying further results in: Y = -(4/3)x + 4.

Now, we have the equation in slope-intercept form, with the slope (m) being -(4/3) and the y-intercept (b) being 4.

To graph this equation, follow these steps:

1. Plot the y-intercept: Start at the point (0, 4) on the y-axis.

2. Use the slope to identify the next points: The slope -(4/3) means that for every 3 units moved to the right, we move 4 units down. Similarly, for every 3 units moved to the left, we move 4 units up.

3. Plot additional points: Choose values for x that are multiple of 3, and then use the slope to determine the corresponding y-coordinates. Plot these points on the graph.

4. Draw a straight line through the plotted points: Once you have at least two points, you can connect them with a straight line to complete the graph of the equation.

Remember to label the x and y axes and provide a title for the graph.

I hope this explanation helps you graph the given equation!