11. How does Moishe the Beadle’s experience in the Galician forest change him? Your response should be at least one paragraph long. (2 points)

12. What is the irony of Elie’s and his neighbors' joy in leaving the hot ghetto? Your response should be at least one paragraph long. (2 points)

13. What do the cries of Mrs. Schachter in the cattle car foreshadow? Your response should be at least one paragraph long. (2 points)

14. What is the irony of Elie’s feelings when he hears bombs? Your response should be at least one paragraph long. (2 points)

15. Why does the infirmary patient next to Elie compare Hitler to a prophet? Your response should be at least one paragraph long. (2 points)

16. Why does the author compare the two cauldrons of unattended soup to lambs during the bomb alert? Who are the hundreds of wolves? Your response should be at least one paragraph long. (2 points)

17. Think about the author’s purpose for writing the memoir. Why do you think the memoir is titled Night? Consider the literal and metaphorical importance the night plays in the book. Your response should be at least one paragraph long. (3 points)

Oh, my! I think you forgot to include what YOU THINK the answer to each question is.

Keep in mind that we won't do your work for you, but we are happy to help you, to point you in the right direction, to read over what you write and make corrections and comments, etc.

Try again please.

To answer these questions, you will need to read and analyze the book "Night" by Elie Wiesel. Each question requires an understanding of the story and its themes. Here is an explanation of how to approach each question:

11. To understand how Moishe the Beadle’s experience in the Galician forest changes him, you should focus on the specific events and interactions Moishe goes through. Look for evidence of how his perspective, beliefs, or personality shift as a result. Pay attention to the emotional impact of his experiences and how they shape his outlook on life.

12. To identify the irony of Elie’s and his neighbors' joy in leaving the hot ghetto, analyze the reasons behind their excitement. Consider the broader context of the Holocaust and the fate that awaits them. Look for contradictions between their expectations and the harsh reality they will soon face. Examine the contrast between their initial joy and the ultimate tragedy that unfolds.

13. To understand what the cries of Mrs. Schachter in the cattle car foreshadow, closely examine the events surrounding her outbursts. Look for symbolic elements and connections to future events. Consider how her screams might represent a larger warning or prediction. Pay attention to any recurring motifs or themes that emerge from her cries.

14. To identify the irony of Elie’s feelings when he hears bombs, analyze his emotional response and compare it to the context in which the bombs are falling. Consider the dual nature of the situation and any contradictory feelings Elie experiences. Look for symbolism or deeper meanings behind his reactions, as they may reveal some underlying themes in the book.

15. To understand why the infirmary patient next to Elie compares Hitler to a prophet, examine the patient's background and mindset. Consider the historical and cultural context in which Hitler rose to power. Look for any parallels or similarities between Hitler's actions and those of a prophet. Pay attention to the patient's beliefs and how they influence his perception of Hitler.

16. To comprehend why the author compares the two cauldrons of unattended soup to lambs during the bomb alert, and who the hundreds of wolves might be, analyze the specific scene and its surrounding events. Look for symbolic interpretations of the cauldrons and the wolves. Consider how the chaos and danger of the bomb alert contribute to the author's metaphorical comparison. Look for any deeper meanings or social commentary in these comparisons.

17. To determine the author’s purpose for writing the memoir and why it is titled "Night," consider the overall themes and messages of the book. Analyze the symbolic and metaphorical importance of night throughout the text. Look for instances where the term "night" is used and what it represents. Consider how the literal darkness of night relates to the darkness and horrors of the Holocaust. Pay attention to the author's tone and language choices to uncover the underlying purpose behind writing this memoir.