write the product of 35/14 x 3/125 in scientific notation

To write the product of 35/14 x 3/125 in scientific notation, we need to simplify the fraction first and express the result as a number between 1 and 10 multiplied by a power of 10.

Step 1: Simplify the fraction
35/14 can be simplified to 5/2 by dividing both the numerator and denominator by 7.
3/125 is already in its simplest form.

Step 2: Multiply the fractions
5/2 x 3/125 = 15/250 = 3/50

Step 3: Convert the fraction to decimal form
To convert 3/50 to decimal form, we divide 3 by 50:
3 รท 50 = 0.06

Step 4: Express in scientific notation
To express 0.06 in scientific notation, we move the decimal point two places to the right, and multiply by 10 raised to the power of -2:
0.06 = 6 x 10^(-2)

Therefore, the product of 35/14 x 3/125 in scientific notation is 6 x 10^(-2).