Translate to an equation:

r $2 roses and t $2.50 tulips total $30

graph the equation and use the graph to determie three different combinations of roses and tulips that total $30.

The subject is not college, nor at college level.

2r + 2.5 t = 30

Plot that straight line in a x,t coordinate graph.

Draw straight vertical ines from three x values of your choice and see at what t values the vertical line is intersected by the 2r + 2.5 t = 30 line.

To translate the given statement into an equation, we can assign variables to represent the number of roses and tulips, respectively.

Let's say r represents the number of roses, and t represents the number of tulips. Since each rose costs $2 and each tulip costs $2.50, the equation can be written as:

2r + 2.50t = 30

Now, let's graph this equation to find three different combinations of roses and tulips that total $30.

To graph this equation, we need to assign the r-axis and t-axis to represent the number of roses and tulips, respectively. Choose appropriate intervals for the axes based on the expected values of r and t. For example, let's use increments of 5 for both axes.

Plotting the three different combinations:

Combination 1: Let's say r = 10 and t = 8. Substituting these values into the equation:

2(10) + 2.50(8) = 20 + 20 = 40

Since this combination results in a total of $40 (greater than $30), let's try another combination.

Combination 2: Let's say r = 5 and t = 10. Substituting these values:

2(5) + 2.50(10) = 10 + 25 = 35

Again, this combination gives us a total of $35 (greater than $30). Let's try one more combination.

Combination 3: Let's say r = 12 and t = 4. Substituting:

2(12) + 2.50(4) = 24 + 10 = 34

Once again, this combination results in a total of $34 (greater than $30).

From the graph, we can see that there are no combinations of roses and tulips that exactly total $30. The closest combinations we found were $35, $34, and $40.