Do an ESSAY Using Kohlberg's three levels and six stages of moral reasoning, create a character that passes through each stage and explain how she/he responds to moral dilemmas present at each stage.

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To create an essay using Kohlberg's three levels and six stages of moral reasoning, we can first understand the concept. Lawrence Kohlberg proposed a theory of moral development, suggesting that individuals progress through three main levels, each consisting of two stages. These levels are: pre-conventional, conventional, and post-conventional morality. In this essay, we can create a character named Emily, who will progress through each stage, and describe her responses to moral dilemmas at each stage.

Level 1: Pre-Conventional Morality
Stage 1: Obedience and Punishment Orientation
At this stage, Emily is concerned with avoiding punishment. She follows rules strictly to avoid getting into trouble. When faced with a moral dilemma, such as stealing a toy from a store, Emily would refrain from doing so due to the fear of getting caught and being punished.

Stage 2: Individualism and Exchange
In this stage, Emily begins to understand that there can be multiple perspectives and realizes the importance of self-interest. She may behave morally to gain personal advantage and engage in fair exchanges. For example, if Emily finds a lost wallet, she may return it because she would hope someone would do the same for her in the future.

Moving on to Level 2: Conventional Morality
Stage 3: Good Interpersonal Relationships
Emily begins to seek approval and maintain good relationships with others. She shows empathy and concern for others' feelings. When encountering moral dilemmas, such as witnessing bullying, she might intervene and defend the victim, driven by the desire to uphold strong bonds with others.

Stage 4: Maintaining Social Order
At this stage, Emily starts realizing the importance of laws, social norms, and maintaining order and authority. She follows rules strictly and avoids actions that disrupt social harmony. For instance, when a friend suggests cheating on a test, Emily refuses, fearing negative consequences like getting caught or facing punishment.

Finally, we have Level 3: Post-Conventional Morality
Stage 5: Social Contract and Individual Rights
Emily begins to recognize that laws are not absolute, and there are societal agreements that can be improved. She considers the general welfare and individual rights. When faced with a moral dilemma, like protesting for social justice, she might actively participate to address societal concerns and advocate for change.

Stage 6: Universal Principles
At the highest stage of moral reasoning, Emily embraces a sense of universal ethics and moral principles. She bases decisions on individual conscience and values like justice, equality, and human rights. In the face of moral dilemmas, she would act in accordance with her deeply held principles, even if they go against popular opinion or established laws.

In conclusion, by progressing through each stage of Kohlberg's three levels of moral reasoning, Emily grows morally and exhibits different responses to moral dilemmas. From a focus on avoiding punishment to upholding personal interests, fostering relationships, following rules, recognizing societal agreements, advocating for social change, and ultimately following universal ethical principles.