How would you ask how much the following items cost.

Model that tie Cuanto cuesta esa corbata?

1. these socks
answer: Cuanto cuesta estos calcetines

2. those pieces of candy
answer: Cuanto cuesta esos dulces

3. that board game
answer: Cuanto cuesta juego de mesa

4. this skirt
answer: Cuanto cuesta este falda

Still a problem of subject and verb BOTH being singular or BOTH being plural.

1. ¿Cuánto cuestan estos calcetines?

2. ¿Cuánto cuestan esos dulces?

3. ¿Cuánto cuesta ese juego de mesa. (you forgot to represent "that")

4. ¿Cuánto cuesta esta falda. ("almost" but falda is feminine so esta is also.


To ask how much the following items cost, you can use the phrase "Cuanto cuesta" followed by the item you want to inquire about. Here are the phrases for each item:

1. These socks: Cuanto cuesta estos calcetines?
2. Those pieces of candy: Cuanto cuesta esos dulces?
3. That board game: Cuanto cuesta ese juego de mesa?
4. This skirt: Cuanto cuesta esta falda?

By using the phrase "Cuanto cuesta" and replacing it with the appropriate demonstrative ("este" for this, "ese" for that, "estos" for these, "esos" for those), you can indicate the specific item you are referring to and ask about its cost.