Can you please check these sentences, too? Thank you.

1.Hilary can't live without her mobile phone or without her car. She needs a car for work.
2.In contrast, Jason usually rides his bike around, catches trains and walks.
Hilary need her computer to keep in touch with her friends.
3.Likewise, Jason needs it to write essays and do research.
4.Finally, both Jason and Hilary have to have music. Jason listens to music on his computer so he doesn't need a stereo.
5.Hilary believes that music doesn't sound great on the computer and prefers listening to it on her stereo.

1 - OK

2 - add comma after "trains"

3 - OK

4 - add comma after "computer"

5 - OK

Sure, I'd be happy to check those sentences for you. Here are the sentences along with their revisions:

1. Hilary can't live without her mobile phone or her car since she needs the car for work.
2. In contrast, Jason usually rides his bike, takes trains, and walks.
3. Hilary needs her computer to stay in touch with her friends.
4. Similarly, Jason needs his computer to write essays and conduct research.
5. Finally, both Jason and Hilary enjoy listening to music. Jason listens to music on his computer, so he doesn't need a stereo. Conversely, Hilary prefers listening to music on her stereo since she believes it sounds better than on the computer.

These revisions make the sentences clearer and more concise. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!