As your first job as the new manager at the outdated, adversarial company, write a plan for changing its organizational structure, incorporating the following elements:

Your vision of the new organizational structure for your division including how you would realign individuals, tasks, processes and functions
Steps to manage the transition from the old organizational structure to the new
New policies that you would implement that should begin right away to facilitate the change to the new organizational structure


Creating a plan for changing the organizational structure of an outdated and adversarial company requires careful consideration and a well-thought-out approach. Here's a step-by-step plan that incorporates your vision of the new organizational structure, the transition process, and the implementation of new policies:

1. Define your vision: Begin by envisioning the ideal organizational structure for your division. Consider aspects like team collaboration, communication flow, efficiency, and employee empowerment. Determine how individuals, tasks, processes, and functions should be realigned to achieve this vision.

2. Assess the current structure: Evaluate the existing organizational structure to identify its strengths and weaknesses. This analysis will help you pinpoint areas that require the most attention and help you determine what needs to be changed.

3. Engage employees: Rally your team members behind the need for change. Openly communicate the reasons behind your decision to change the organizational structure and seek their input. Conduct meetings or surveys to gather feedback and ideas to ensure everyone feels involved and invested in the process.

4. Create a transition plan: Develop a detailed transition plan that outlines how the shift will occur. Identify key milestones, timelines, and responsibilities for individuals involved. Consider the impact on resources, potential resistance, and measures to mitigate risks during this transition period.

5. Realignment of individuals: Identify the skills, strengths, and aspirations of your team members. Based on this information, reassign roles and responsibilities to align them with the new organizational structure. Implement changes gradually, ensuring that individuals have the necessary skills and support to succeed in their new roles.

6. Streamline tasks and processes: Identify redundancies, inefficiencies, and bottlenecks within the existing processes. Redesign workflows and streamline tasks to improve productivity and collaboration. Foster a culture of continuous improvement by encouraging employees to suggest process enhancements.

7. Foster collaboration: Implement measures to promote cross-functionality and collaboration within the division and with other departments. Encourage teamwork by creating platforms, such as project management tools or regular team meetings, that facilitate communication, information sharing, and joint problem-solving.

8. Implement new policies: Develop and communicate new policies that align with the new organizational structure. These policies should support the changes you are making and reflect your division's values and goals. Examples could include policies related to decision-making authority, performance evaluation, and employee development.

9. Provide training and support: Offer training programs and resources to help employees adapt to their new roles and responsibilities. Provide coaching, mentoring, and ongoing support to address any challenges or resistance faced during the transition. Encourage employees to engage in professional development to enhance their skills and knowledge.

10. Monitor and adjust: Regularly monitor the progress of the transition and gather feedback from employees to gauge its effectiveness. Stay open to making adjustments as needed, and address any concerns or issues that arise during the change process. Continuously reassess the organizational structure to ensure it remains in line with your division's goals.

Remember, implementing organizational change can be challenging, so it's crucial to maintain open and transparent communication throughout the process, addressing any resistance or concerns that may arise. By following this plan, you can help transform the outdated and adversarial company into an efficient and collaborative organization.