A player is 6.5 ft tall.What is the player’s height in meters?

height= 6.5ft*12inches/ft*1meter/39.39inches.

To convert feet to meters, you need to know that 1 foot is approximately equal to 0.3048 meters.

Therefore, to calculate the player's height in meters, you can multiply the height in feet (6.5) by the conversion factor (0.3048):

6.5 ft * 0.3048 m/ft = 1.9812 meters

Therefore, the player's height is approximately 1.9812 meters.

To convert the player's height from feet to meters, you can use the conversion factor that 1 foot is equal to 0.3048 meters.

To find the player's height in meters, you can simply multiply the height in feet by the conversion factor.

Height in meters = Height in feet * Conversion factor

Height in meters = 6.5 ft * 0.3048 meters/ft

Height in meters = 1.9812 meters

Therefore, the player's height is approximately 1.9812 meters.