Analyze Robert Browning's poem,"My Last Duchess" using the criteria for "good poetry" set forth by Elizabeth Barrett Browning in Aurora Leigh.

If we use the criteria established by Elizabeth Barrett Browning in her poem Aurora Leigh as a basis for judgment, I think that we should consider husband Robert Browning's My Last Duchess to be an example of “good” poetry. The language in My Last Duchess is fairly straightforward and lacking any classical allusions. The events and ideas in the poem are things that could easily happen in real life (and may very well); there is no hint of the fantastic or mythological. There are no larger-than-life heroic escapades performed by long gone titanic figures. The duke's villainy is a very self-indulgent, commonplace kind, made, I think, scarier and more immediate by his angry self-righteousness and the matter-of-fact way he talks about what he has done. Events do not have to be set in ancient times; during the Brownings' lifetimes Europe was still full of titled nobility who negotiated their marriages very much like the negotiation indicated by the poems monologue.

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To analyze Robert Browning's poem "My Last Duchess" using the criteria for "good poetry" set forth by Elizabeth Barrett Browning in Aurora Leigh, we first need to identify the key criteria Elizabeth Barrett Browning mentions.

In Aurora Leigh, Elizabeth Barrett Browning emphasizes the importance of several elements in good poetry, including:

1. Originality and individuality: Good poetry should showcase the poet's unique voice and perspective. It should offer fresh insights and express emotions in a distinctive manner.

2. Sincerity and authenticity: Good poetry should come from a place of truth and reflect real emotions and experiences. It should be authentic and not merely conform to societal expectations or conventions.

3. Depth and complexity: Good poetry should delve into profound thoughts, emotions, and themes. It should require the reader to engage intellectually and emotionally, offering layers of meaning and interpretation.

4. Skillful use of language and form: Good poetry should demonstrate a mastery of language, employing rich imagery, figures of speech, and other literary devices. It should also showcase an understanding of poetic form and structure.

Now, let's apply these criteria to "My Last Duchess" by Robert Browning.

1. Originality and individuality: "My Last Duchess" is told from the perspective of a Duke discussing his deceased wife. Through the Duke's monologue, Browning offers a unique and chilling exploration of power dynamics, jealousy, and possessiveness. The poem presents a distinctive narrative perspective and a deeper understanding of the darker aspects of human nature.

2. Sincerity and authenticity: The Duke's voice in "My Last Duchess" reveals his callous and possessive nature. Although not a personal expression of Browning's emotions, the poem authentically portrays the character's attitudes and motivations, shedding light on complex human emotions and psychology.

3. Depth and complexity: "My Last Duchess" explores themes of power, control, and art. The poem delves into the Duke's desire for absolute power and his possessiveness towards the Duchess. It also raises questions about the nature of art, as the Duke shows off his deceased wife's portrait as an object to be controlled. The layers of meaning and the psychological complexity make the poem intellectually engaging.

4. Skillful use of language and form: Browning employs various literary devices, such as dramatic monologue, enjambment, and vivid imagery, to engage the reader. The Duke's precise language and subtle shifts in tone effectively portray his manipulative character. Browning's ability to convey depth and complexity through poetic techniques contributes to the overall skillfulness of the poem.

By analyzing "My Last Duchess" through Elizabeth Barrett Browning's criteria for good poetry, we can appreciate the poem's originality, sincerity, depth, and skillful use of language and form.

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