how was the iliad time and when they ocurred?

The Iliad is an epic poem written by the ancient Greek poet Homer. It tells the story of the Trojan War, a legendary conflict between the Greeks and the Trojans. The exact time period in which the events of the Iliad occurred is a subject of debate among historians and scholars. However, most experts believe that the Trojan War took place around the late Bronze Age, sometime in the 12th or 13th century BCE.

To determine the time period of the Iliad, historians rely on various pieces of evidence, including archaeological findings and references within ancient texts. They also analyze the linguistic and cultural elements described in the epic to identify the historical context in which it was composed.

If you were to research the time period of the Iliad, here are some steps you could take:

1. Start by reading the Iliad itself to familiarize yourself with the story and the characters involved.
2. Consult scholarly articles and books by experts in ancient history and Greek literature. These sources often provide detailed analysis and historical context regarding the events of the Iliad.
3. Look for references to the Iliad and Trojan War in other ancient Greek texts, such as works by Herodotus, Thucydides, and Plato. These references can provide additional insights into the time period.
4. Study archaeological records and findings related to the ancient city of Troy, as well as other relevant sites in the eastern Mediterranean. Archaeologists have unearthed various artifacts and structures that are believed to be linked to the Trojan War.
5. Consider the linguistic and cultural elements present in the Iliad. Scholars often analyze the language, customs, and traditions described in the epic to gain a better understanding of the historical period it portrays.

By compiling and analyzing this information, historians and scholars have constructed a general understanding of when the events of the Iliad occurred. However, it's important to note that the exact dating of the Trojan War and the composition of the Iliad are still subjects of ongoing research and debate.