how to devide


using long division,

first, since 34 is the one that is divided, 34/123.08 must be written like this:

123.08 ) 34

since the divisor (the 123.08) has five digits, and the dividend has only 2 digits, we write zeros to the right of decimal point of 34:
34 becomes 34.000 (now it has 5 digits)
you can now divide using long division:

123.08 ) 34.000

hope this helps.



this math is so hard elp

To perform division, you need to divide one number by another. In this case, you want to divide 34 by 123.08.

To divide these numbers, you can use a calculator or perform long division manually. Here's how you can do it manually:

Step 1: Write down the dividend (the number being divided), which is 34, and the divisor (the number you are dividing by), which is 123.08.

Step 2: Place the dividend inside a long division bracket and the divisor outside the bracket.

34 | 123.08

Step 3: Determine how many times the divisor (123.08) can go into the first digit(s) of the dividend (34). In this case, it is zero because 34 is less than 123.08.

Step 4: Bring down the next digit from the dividend, which is the decimal point. Your new dividend becomes 340.

34 | 123.08


Step 5: Since the next digit is zero, you can add a zero after the decimal point in the quotient.

34 | 123.08
- 0.

Step 6: Now, divide the divisor (123.08) by the new dividend (340). You can do this by approximating the division result mentally or by using a calculator.

Based on calculations, the division would be approximately 0.28264.

Step 7: Write down the result of your division above the long division bracket.

34 | 123.08
- 0.28264

Step 8: Multiply the quotient you just obtained (0.28264) by the divisor (123.08).

0.28264 × 123.08 = 34

Step 9: Subtract the above result from the original dividend (34), and bring down the next digit from the dividend. Your new dividend becomes 0.

34 | 123.08
- 0.28264
= 0.71736

Step 10: Repeat steps 6 to 9 for the new dividend (0). However, since the new dividend is zero, there are no more digits to bring down.

Step 11: The final remainder is 0.

Step 12: The result of the division of 34 by 123.08 is approximately 0.28264.

Please note that if you use a calculator, you may obtain a more precise decimal value, but the manual method should give you a good approximation.