Which of the following correctly demonstrates the Commutative Property of Addition?(1 point)


a b c plus x y z equals x y z plus a b c

a b c x y z equals z y x c b a

123 plus 456 equals 579


0 plus 579 equals 579

The correct option that demonstrates the Commutative Property of Addition is:

123 plus 456 equals 579

The Commutative Property of Addition states that changing the order of the addends does not affect the sum.

To determine which of the given options correctly demonstrates the Commutative Property of Addition, we need to check if the equation remains true when we swap the position of the addends.

Let's analyze each option:

1) abc + xyz = xyz + abc
This equation demonstrates the Commutative Property of Addition because it shows that addition is independent of the order of the addends. Swapping the position of the addends does not change the result. Therefore, this option correctly demonstrates the property.

2) abcxyz = zyxcba
This equation does not demonstrate the Commutative Property of Addition. It instead shows a multiplication operation where the order of the factors changes, which is not related to the Commutative Property of Addition.

3) 123 + 456 = 579
This equation does not demonstrate the Commutative Property of Addition because the order of the addends does affect the sum. Changing the order of the numbers results in a different sum. Therefore, this option does not demonstrate the property.

4) 0 + 579 = 579
This equation demonstrates the Commutative Property of Addition. Adding zero to a number does not change its value, regardless of their order. Thus, this option correctly demonstrates the property.

In summary, options 1 and 4 correctly demonstrate the Commutative Property of Addition.