which of the following words cannot use the suffix -ive?


Sonia, lilly, Stella, David, or whoever --

Quit changing names. You aren't fooling anyone.

Also -- you need to post what YOU THINK. Then we will be able to help you.


To determine which of the words - reveal, decis, conclus, and impress - cannot use the suffix "-ive," we can follow a few steps:

1. Understand the meaning of the suffix "-ive": The suffix "-ive" is used to form adjectives that describe the action or quality of a noun or verb. It generally indicates the presence of that action or quality.

2. Analyze each word and see if it can be transformed into an adjective using the suffix "-ive":
a) Reveal: We can create the adjective "receptive" by adding the suffix "-ive" to "reveal." Therefore, "reveal" can use the suffix "-ive."
b) Decis: This word is incomplete, so we can't determine its suitability for the suffix "-ive." It could be "decisive" or another word entirely.
c) Conclus: Similar to "decis," this word is incomplete. It could be "conclusive" or a different word altogether.
d) Impress: By adding the suffix "-ive" to "impress," we get the adjective "impressive." Therefore, "impress" can use the suffix "-ive."

3. Conclusion: The words "reveal" and "impress" can use the suffix "-ive," while "decis" and "conclus" are incomplete, so we can't determine their suitability for the suffix.