Is there a website that can help me check my answers for Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop?

Apparently there used to be such a site, but it disappeared a couple of years ago.

Thank you for trying!

Yes, there are websites available that can help you check your answers for Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop. One website that you can use is Here's how you can find the answers using Quizlet:

1. Visit in your web browser.
2. In the search bar at the top of the page, enter the name of the specific Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop book and level you are using. For example, if you are using "Vocabulary Workshop Level A," enter that in the search bar.
3. Review the search results and look for a Quizlet set related to the book and level you are using.
4. Open the Quizlet set that corresponds to your book and level.
5. Once inside the Quizlet set, you will typically find flashcards that include the vocabulary words and definitions.
6. Use these flashcards to check your answers by comparing them to what you have written down.

It's important to note that while Quizlet can be a helpful resource for reviewing vocabulary, it's always recommended to consult your teacher or textbook for the most accurate answers. Additionally, always make an effort to understand the meaning and usage of the words rather than relying solely on answer keys.