Anna and Julia each take a bicycle trip. Anna rides 20 miles in 1 1/3 hours. Julia rides 246 miles in 16 hours. Which has slower unit rate? By how much?

recall that speed or rate is distance traveled over time, or:

speed, v = d/t

thus, you compare Anna's speed and Julia's speed:
Anna: v = 20/(1 1/3)
Julia: v = 246/(16)
*note: first convert mixed number to improper fraction before dividing.

hope this helps. :)

so it would e 20/4 over 3? I don't get how I would divide that from 246/16

it's 20/(4/3),, first simplify this,,

how do you simifly that?

when dividing a number by a fraction, first get the reciprocal of the fraction,,

*to get reciprocal: you just interchange the numerator and denominator, thus:
reciprocal of 4/3 = 3/4
now the operation becomes multiplication instead of division:
20 * (3/4)

i think you know how to do this. :)
let me see your work.

which is 12? Then do I divide 12 and 246/16?

nope, it's not 12,,

remember that a whole number can be written to:
20 = 20/1
20/1 * 3/4 = ?

..and we will not divide the answer by 246/16,, we will just compare them.

first, let me see your answer.

Well 20 times 3 is 60

1 times 4 is 4

you're on the right track,,

now, what is 60/4 ?


right~! :)

now, we simplify 246/16,,
since the numerator and denominator have a common factor 2, we can cancel it out:
(2*123)/(2*8) = 123/8
123/8 is in simplest form,, now change this to mixed number.

15 3/8

yes, that's right~! :)

now comparing the speed:
Anna: 15
Julia: 15 3/8

which of the two is slower (or has smaller speed)?
then, "by how much" means you will get the difference:
15 3/8 - 15 = ?


nope,, 15 3/8 is greater than 15,,

it's like you have 15 whole pizza plus 3 slices, while the other has only 15 whole pizzas, that's why,
15 3/8 > 15

then, "by how much" means you will get the difference:
15 3/8 - 15 = ?

oh, i see you already have an answer,,

right. the difference is 3/8 m/s. :)

Anna and Julia each take a bicycle trip. Anna rides 20 miles in 1 1/3 hours. Julia rides 246 miles in 16 hours. Which has slower unit rate? By how much?

Hey please chill some of us dont even remember 1 + 1



the answer is obvious, do math