23. Ductility is the ability to be hammered into sheets.- F?

25. A monatomic ion contains only one atom.- T

26. Iron (II) means the iron would have an oxidation number of +2.- F?

27. A polyatomic ion is a group of atoms acting as a single ion.- T

30. The oxidation number of a monatomic ion is considered to be equal to the charge on the ion.- T?

32. An empirical formula is always the true formula of a compound.- T?

34. The formula mass is measured in atomic mass units (amu)- F?

35. An outer level of an atom is usually filled with eight electrons.- F?


26 and 32 are wrong.

I don't know about 34.

In general usage, formula mass is the name for the sum of the atomic mass units in the formula, and it is measured in amu. In usage, it is done the same way as molecular mass.

23. Ductility is the ability to be hammered into sheets. - False (F)

Ductility is the ability of a substance to be drawn into thin wires, not hammered into sheets. To determine the correct answer, you can consult a chemistry textbook or search for the definition of ductility online.

25. A monatomic ion contains only one atom. - True (T)

A monatomic ion is a charged particle that consists of only one atom. This can be verified by studying the definition of a monatomic ion in a chemistry resource or by conducting an online search.

26. Iron (II) means the iron would have an oxidation number of +2. - True (T)

When an element is followed by a Roman numeral in parentheses, as in Iron (II), it indicates the oxidation state or number of the element. So, Iron (II) corresponds to an oxidation number of +2. You can confirm this information by referring to a chemistry reference, such as a periodic table or a textbook.

27. A polyatomic ion is a group of atoms acting as a single ion. - True (T)

A polyatomic ion is a charged particle made up of two or more atoms bonded together and acting as a single unit. To verify this statement, you can refer to a chemistry textbook or search for the definition of polyatomic ions online.

30. The oxidation number of a monatomic ion is considered to be equal to the charge on the ion. - True (T)

The oxidation number of a monatomic ion is indeed equal to the charge on the ion. This fact can be confirmed by reviewing relevant information in a chemistry resource or by conducting an online search.

32. An empirical formula is always the true formula of a compound. - False (F)

An empirical formula provides the simplest ratio of atoms in a compound but does not necessarily represent the actual number of atoms present. The true formula of a compound can be determined by considering the molecular formula or other experimental data. You can confirm this by consulting a chemistry textbook or searching for information on empirical formulas and compound formulas.

34. The formula mass is measured in atomic mass units (amu). - True (T)

The formula mass, also known as the molar mass, of a compound is indeed measured in atomic mass units (amu) or grams per mole (g/mol). This information can be verified by reviewing sources such as a periodic table, chemistry reference, or online search.

35. An outer level of an atom is usually filled with eight electrons. - False (F)

The outer level or valence shell of an atom can hold a maximum of eight electrons only for elements up to atomic number 20 (group 18). However, there are exceptions to this rule for elements with higher atomic numbers. To confirm this information, you can consult a chemistry textbook or search for explanations of electron configurations and valence shells.