What subject form would you use for mis amigos?

Ex: usted, nosotros, ellos...?

ellos (third person plural)

The subject form that would be used for "mis amigos" is "ellos" in Spanish.

To determine the subject form, you need to identify the pronoun that matches the noun in question. In this case, "amigos" is a plural noun, which means it refers to more than one person. In Spanish, the pronoun "ellos" is used to refer to a group of people who are all males or to a mixed group of males and females.

Other subject forms in Spanish include:
- "yo" for "I" (used when the noun refers to oneself)
- "tú" for "you" (used when speaking to one person informally)
- "usted" for "you" (used when speaking to one person formally)
- "nosotros" for "we" (used when the speaker refers to themselves and others)
- "ustedes" for "you" (used when speaking to a group of people formally or informally)

By identifying the number (singular or plural) and gender (masculine or feminine) of the noun, you can determine the appropriate subject form to use in Spanish.