What is the proper subject pronoun to use when speaking formally to two or more people in Spain?

(1 point)






The proper subject pronoun to use when speaking formally to two or more people in Spain is "ustedes".

The proper subject pronoun to use when speaking formally to two or more people in Spain is "ustedes." To arrive at this answer, you need to understand the pronouns commonly used in the Spanish language and their corresponding forms of address.

In Spain, "vosotros" is the informal second-person plural pronoun used when addressing a group of people you are familiar with. However, when speaking formally or professionally, "vosotros" should not be used.

The pronoun "ellos" is the third-person plural pronoun, which refers to a group of people that does not include the person(s) being addressed. This pronoun is not suitable for a formal address to a group.

The pronoun "usted" is the second-person singular formal pronoun used to address a single person respectfully. However, when addressing multiple people formally, the plural form "ustedes" should be used.

Therefore, the correct answer is "ustedes," as it is the formal second-person plural pronoun used when speaking to two or more people formally in Spain.