Would someone please check my answers,

and let me know your opinion on what I
have wrong.

1. The term ethnocentrism applies to
which of the following situations?

A. Jack O'Shea tells everone that the
Irish are the best people on God's
green earth.

B. An Asian family's meals are
considered strange and unappetizing
by mainstream American standards.

C. An African-American accuses a
Caucasian supervisor of sexual
harassment in the workplace.

D. Rufus Taylor is associated with
a White Supremacist organization
and takes part in its bigotry-fed

2. The mostly white American middle
class is an example of a:

A. macroculture
B. subculture
C. microculture
D. collectivist culture

3. Which one of the following scenarios
best depicts a collectivistic

A. A non-mainstream culture's attitude
is,"Every man for himself."

B. A particular cultural group promotes
doing business within their extended
family and fellow countrymen.

C. A mixed Asian community is eager to
assimilate into American society.

D. One Asian group has a long-standing
animosity toward a rival Asian

4.Label shifts,such as African-American
versus colored,Asian versus Oriental,
and Latino versus Hispanic,relate to:

A. ethnology
B. ethnocentrism
C. ethnicity
D. ethnography

Here is a list of my answers. Please let
me know the ones you think I may have wrong.

1.(D) Rufus Taylor is associated with
a White Supremacist organization
and takes part in its bigotry-fed

2. (A) macroculture

3. (B) A particular cultural group
promotes doing business within
their extended family and fellow

4. (C) ethnicity

I believe all of your answers are correct. :-)

Based on your answers, here is the analysis:

1. The correct answer is (A) Jack O'Shea tells everyone that the Irish are the best people on God's green earth. This scenario reflects ethnocentrism, which means believing that one's own culture or ethnic group is superior to others. The other options do not fit the definition of ethnocentrism.

2. The correct answer is (A) macroculture. The white American middle class is an example of a macroculture because it represents a larger dominant culture within a society.

3. The correct answer is (B) A particular cultural group promotes doing business within their extended family and fellow countrymen. This scenario depicts collectivistic culture because it emphasizes the importance of collective identity and relationships within a specific cultural group.

4. The correct answer is (C) ethnicity. Label shifts, such as African-American versus colored, Asian versus Oriental, and Latino versus Hispanic, relate to changes in terminology used to describe different ethnic groups, so the correct option is ethnicity.

Overall, you have answered the majority of the questions correctly. Great job!