Need help with this--

19. Several passions are dramatized in "The Tragedy of Julius Caesar." Choose one of them such as justice, vengeance, ambition, love, or honor, and write a paragraph about how that passion is illustrated in the action of the play.


Which passion did you choose?

I would chose any of the above, but ambition is certainly one that is easy.

Google Julius Caesar ambition

or for that matter, Julius Caesar vengence, and so on. Whatever turns you own.

I guess I'll be going with ambition then. Thanks! (:


To analyze how a particular passion is illustrated in "The Tragedy of Julius Caesar," you'll need to closely examine the text for instances where that passion is displayed prominently. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you craft your paragraph:

1. Choose a passion: Select one of the passions mentioned, such as justice, vengeance, ambition, love, or honor. For example, let's say you choose ambition.

2. Read the play: Familiarize yourself with the play by reading it carefully. Pay attention to characters' motivations and actions that are related to ambition.

3. Identify key scenes: Look for scenes where ambition is evident. One such scene is Act 1, Scene 2, where Cassius tries to manipulate Brutus into joining the conspiracy by appealing to his ambition. Another example is Act 3, Scene 2, where Mark Antony skillfully capitalizes on the ambitions of the Roman crowd to stir them against the conspirators.

4. Analyze character actions: In your paragraph, describe specific instances where ambition is illustrated by examining the characters' actions, dialogue, and motivations. For instance, you could discuss how Brutus's ambition for the greater good leads him to join the conspiracy against Caesar, or compare it to Cassius's more personal and self-serving ambition.

5. Provide evidence: Support your observations with direct quotes from the play. For instance, you might include a quote from Act 2, Scene 1, where Brutus confesses, "I do fear the people/Choose Caesar for their king" to emphasize his ambition to protect the Roman republic.

6. Elaborate and analyze: Explain the significance of the passion of ambition in the play. Discuss how it drives the characters' decisions and contributes to the overall themes and events of the play, such as the fall of Julius Caesar and the subsequent power struggle in Rome.

Remember to use proper citation and provide references to Shakespeare's play "The Tragedy of Julius Caesar" in your paragraph. This guide should help you structure your thoughts and craft an insightful analysis of how ambition is illustrated in the play.