solve the inequality


what will be the solution in interval notation

Something that helped me determine whether to set up a double inequality versus separate inequalities...

|expression|< k
less thAN (and)= double inequalities
-k<|expression|< k

|expression|> k
greatOR (or) = separate inequalities
|expression|< -k or |expression|> k

here's a link for further assistance:

[2x - 5] > 8.

Since the number inside the absolute
value brackets can be positive or negative,we'll have 3 solutions:
+-(2x - 5) > 8,

Solve for positive value:
+(2x - 5) > 8,
2x - 5 > 8,
2x > 8 + 5,
2x > 13,
x > 13/2.

Solve for negative value:
-(2x - 5) > 8,
-2x + 5 > 8,
-2x > 8 - 5,
-2x > 3,
x < -3/2.

Solution set: x < -3/2, and x > 13/2.

CORRECTION: We'll have 2 solutions, NOT


To solve the inequality |2y - 5| > 8, we need to isolate the absolute value expression and consider two cases: when the expression inside the absolute value is positive and when it is negative.

Case 1: (2y - 5) > 8
Solve the inequality as normal:
2y - 5 > 8
Add 5 to both sides:
2y > 13
Divide both sides by 2:
y > 6.5

Case 2: -(2y - 5) > 8
Flip the inequality sign when multiplying or dividing by a negative number:
-2y + 5 > 8
Subtract 5 from both sides:
-2y > 3
Divide both sides by -2 and remember to flip the inequality sign:
y < -1.5

Combining both cases, we get:
y < -1.5 or y > 6.5

Therefore, the solution to the inequality in interval notation is (-∞, -1.5) ∪ (6.5, +∞).