Solve the inequality. Write the solution in interval notation.


The solution is
enter your response here
.​(Type your answer in interval​ notation.)

The solution is (8, infinity)

The lawful speeds S on an interstate highway satisfy

|S−54.5|≤17.5. Find the maximum and minimum speed limits by solving the absolute value equation
The minimum speed limit is
enter your response here

The minimum speed limit is 37 mi/hr.

The lawful speeds S on an interstate highway satisfy

|S−54.5|≤17.5. Find the maximum and minimum speed limits by solving the absolute value equation

The maximum speed limit is
enter your response here ​mi/hr.

The maximum speed limit is 72 mi/hr.

To solve the inequality 0.5x - 4 > 6, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Add 4 to both sides of the inequality to isolate the variable.
0.5x - 4 + 4 > 6 + 4
0.5x > 10

Step 2: Divide both sides of the inequality by 0.5 to solve for x.
(0.5x) / 0.5 > 10 / 0.5
x > 20

Therefore, the solution to the inequality is x > 20.

In interval notation, we use parentheses and brackets to represent intervals. Here, since x is greater than 20, we use parentheses to show that 20 is not included in the solution. So the solution in interval notation is:

(20, +∞)