Perform the indicated operation and the write the result in standard form

(6+ sq root -5)(6 + sq root -7)=

(1 + square root)(-1 + square root)

is the answer 0? don't they cancel out?
could you help with my algebra question?

Do this with FOIL. I will be happy to check your work.

okay I got 1-12 sq root of 35i is this correct

6*6 + 6isqrt7 +5i*sqrt5+ i*sqrt35

I don't see how you can get less than four terms.

Well that isnt one of my answers the question is multiple choice another choice is (36 - sq rt 35) + (6 sqrt 7 + 6 sqrt 5)i

Other than a small typo, bobpursley is right

He meant to say:

6*6 + 6isqrt7 +5i*sqrt5+ i^2*sqrt35
= 36 + 6i√7 + 5i√5 - √35

George, trust us, we are right according to the way you typed the question!

To perform the indicated operation and write the result in standard form, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Simplify each square root term individually.
Step 2: Multiply the simplified terms using the FOIL method.
Step 3: Combine any like terms.
Step 4: Write the final answer in standard form.

Let's start with step 1:

Simplifying square root(-5):
To simplify √(-5), we can recall that the square root of a negative number is not a real number. However, we can express it using the imaginary unit "i" such that √(-5) = √(5) * i.

Simplifying square root(-7):
Using the same logic as before, we simplify √(-7) as √(7) * i.

Now, let's move on to step 2:

Multiplying the simplified terms using FOIL:
(6 + √5 * i)(6 + √7 * i)

Using the FOIL method, we have:
6 * 6 + 6 * √7 * i + 6 * √5 * i + √5 * i * √7 * i

Simplifying the products of the square roots:
√5 * i * √7 * i can be rewritten as √(5 * 7) * i * i. Since i * i is equal to -1, it becomes √(5 * 7) * -1, which simplifies to -√35.

Combining like terms:
36 + 6√7 * i + 6√5 * i - √35

Now, let's move on to step 4:

Writing the final answer in standard form:
The final result is 36 + 6√7 * i + 6√5 * i - √35, which cannot be simplified further.

So, the result in standard form is 36 + 6√7 * i + 6√5 * i - √35.