This is from my text. It says : C'est delicieux, les pommes." But les pommes is feminine, so should it be delicieuses instead?

Another question I have is for first, is it premiere or premier?

sorry, questions keep coming up as I study.

What does "Vous prenez a gauche" mean?
You take to the left? Or does it simply mean you turn left?

Delicieux is right, it shouldn't be delicieuses (i am french, trust me)... Vous prenez a gauche means take to the left but it also means turn left

In French, adjectives must agree in gender and number with the noun they modify. In this case, since "les pommes" is feminine (les = plural feminine article and pommes = feminine noun), we would expect the adjective to agree in both gender and number.

However, the adjective "délicieux" is an exception to the normal agreement rules. It remains the same regardless of whether the noun it modifies is masculine or feminine. In this case, "C'est délicieux, les pommes" is correct because délicieux is used to describe the taste or quality of the apples, not their gender.

So, even though "pommes" is feminine, we still use the masculine form of the adjective "délicieux" without changing it to "délicieuses."

Remember, this is a specific instance where an adjective does not change based on the gender or number of the noun it modifies, and it's important to pay attention to these exceptions when learning French.