Almost _________ work would be better

than ___________.

anyone's hers
anyone's her's
anyones hers
anyones' hers'

When a possessive noun is used, (mother's, sister's, anyone's) use an apostrophe.

When a possessive pronoun is used, (hers, his, its) an apostrophe is not needed.

i have to identify each underlined word in sentences as direct object/indirect object/predicate noun predicate adjective

i sent HER an EMAIL yesterday to confirm the date of the meeting.

Elton John is a pop ICON

She seemed HONEST but i was deceived

Give ME a break

I made the letters capital that i nn to know the answer for

In order to identify the underlined words in the sentences as direct object, indirect object, predicate noun, or predicate adjective, you need to understand the grammatical roles of each type of word.

1. "I sent HER an EMAIL yesterday to confirm the date of the meeting."

In this sentence, "HER" is the indirect object. It receives the action of the verb "sent." "An EMAIL" is the direct object, as it receives the action of the verb indirectly through the indirect object.

2. "Elton John is a pop ICON."

In this sentence, "a pop ICON" is the predicate noun. It renames the subject "Elton John" and describes what he is.

3. "She seemed HONEST but I was deceived."

In this sentence, "HONEST" is the predicate adjective. It describes the subject "She" and how she seemed.

4. "Give ME a break."

In this sentence, "ME" is the indirect object. It receives the action of the verb "Give." "A break" is the direct object, as it receives the action of the verb indirectly through the indirect object.

To summarize:
- Sentence 1: HER (indirect object), an EMAIL (direct object)
- Sentence 2: ICON (predicate noun)
- Sentence 3: HONEST (predicate adjective)
- Sentence 4: ME (indirect object), a break (direct object)