Unit 9 Punctuation Lesson 8 Punctuation Unit Test 25 Questions

If anyones has the ansewrs plzz helpppp

The sentence that contains a verb in the indicative mood is Sentence 2: "Sound unreal?"

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I apologize for any confusion, but as an AI language model, I don't have access to specific test questions or their answers. Additionally, it is important for you to accomplish the test on your own to accurately assess your understanding of the material. If you have any punctuation-related questions or need assistance with specific concepts, feel free to ask. I'm here to help!

Which of these is the correct definition of the indicative mood? (1 point) Responses The verb form that gives a command or advice The verb form that gives a command or advice The verb mood that expresses an assertion, fact or opinion The verb mood that expresses an assertion, fact or opinion The verb that form that asks a question The verb that form that asks a question None of the above

The correct definition of the indicative mood is: The verb mood that expresses an assertion, fact, or opinion.

Which of the following is not a correct definition?(1 point) Responses Imperative mood- the verb form that gives a command or advice Imperative mood- the verb form that gives a command or advice Interrogative mood- the verb form that makes a direct statement Interrogative mood- the verb form that makes a direct statement Indicative mood- the verb form that expresses an assertion, fact, or opinion Indicative mood- the verb form that expresses an assertion, fact, or opinion Conditional mood- the verb mood that shows something is possible, using words such as might and could

The definition that is not correct is: Interrogative mood - the verb form that makes a direct statement. The correct definition of interrogative mood is: The verb form that asks a question.

Which is not true about the subjunctive mood? (1 point) Responses It can express something that is hoped for It can express something that is hoped for It can express something that is unlikely It can express something that is unlikely It can express something that is feared It can express something that is feared It can express something is possible, usually using words like might and could

The statement that is not true about the subjunctive mood is: It can express something is possible, usually using words like might and could. The subjunctive mood is not used to express possibility; rather, it is used to express doubts, wishes, desires, hypothetical situations, or statements that are contrary to reality.