hi, may i know what are the training objective of the church?when they train people?how the training is conducted? please i don't know any about church

Your question is not clear.

Who would be trained?
For what -- for a minister's or priest's job? for confirmation? what?

Each church is different. You'll need to find someone in a church near you and ask your questions.

I agree, you will need to get specific to get anything useful.

thank you

Of course! The training objectives of a church can vary depending on the denomination and the specific goals of the leadership. However, I can provide you with a general overview.

1. Spiritual Growth: The primary objective of church training is to help individuals grow spiritually. Churches aim to strengthen people's faith, deepen their understanding of religious teachings, and equip them to live out their beliefs in their daily lives.

2. Discipleship: Churches focus on training believers to become disciples of Jesus Christ. This involves teaching them how to follow His teachings, embody His values, and share His message with others.

3. Leadership Development: Many churches provide training programs to develop leaders within their congregation. This includes equipping individuals with skills for pastoral ministry, teaching, counseling, worship leadership, and community service.

4. Biblical Education: Churches often offer training to help people understand the Bible better. This can involve Bible study classes, courses about theological concepts, and resources to encourage personal study.

As for the timing of training, churches typically offer various opportunities throughout the year. Regular Sunday services include sermons, which provide spiritual teaching and guidance. Additionally, churches may organize midweek events, classes, workshops, retreats, or small group gatherings focused on specific training topics.

The methods for conducting church training can vary. Some common approaches include:

1. Preaching and Teaching: Church leaders deliver sermons or teachings during worship services to provide spiritual instruction and guidance.

2. Small Groups: Churches often encourage participation in small groups where people can engage in Bible study, discussions, prayer, and mutual support.

3. Classes and Courses: Churches may offer structured classes or courses on various topics, such as theology, spirituality, marriage, parenting, or personal growth.

4. Mentoring and Discipleship Programs: Some churches provide one-on-one mentoring relationships, pairing more experienced members with those who are seeking guidance and growth.

5. Conferences and Retreats: Churches may host special events where members can gather for focused teaching, worship, and spiritual renewal.

6. Online Resources: With advancements in technology, many churches also utilize online platforms to provide digital resources, podcasts, videos, and live streams of services for training purposes.

It's important to note that different churches may have their own unique methods and approaches to training based on their specific values, traditions, and community needs.