Name the multiplicative inverse,or reciocal,of each number.




Reciprocal of 19/3 is 3/19. You just flip the fraction. To find a reciprocal of a whole number, put 1 underneath it and flip. Ex: 7=7/1, reciprocal=1/7.

To find the multiplicative inverse or reciprocal of a number, we need to find the number that, when multiplied by the given number, gives us a product of 1.

In this case, the number is 19/3. To find its multiplicative inverse, we need to find another number such that when we multiply 19/3 by that number, the result is 1.

Let's calculate it step by step:

1. Multiply the numerator (19) by the denominator (3):
19 x 3 = 57

2. Multiply the denominator (3) by the numerator (19):
3 x 19 = 57

As you can see, both calculations yield the same result of 57. Therefore, the multiplicative inverse or reciprocal of 19/3 is 57/57 or simply, 1.