writing in math mrs. bradner has 30 tomato plants. she wants to plant the same number of plants in each row of her gardner. explain how she could decide the number of rows to plants.

Think about some sets that you can make out of 30.

3 sets of 10
10 sets of 3
5 sets of 6
6 sets of 5

Any others?


To determine the number of rows to plant, you need to divide the total number of tomato plants by the desired number of plants in each row.

In this case, Mrs. Bradner has 30 tomato plants and wants to plant the same number of plants in each row of her garden. Let's say she wants to have "x" plants in each row.

To find the number of rows, you divide the total number of plants (30) by the desired number of plants in each row (x):

Number of rows = Total number of plants / Number of plants in each row
Number of rows = 30 / x

For example, if Mrs. Bradner decides to have 5 plants in each row, then:

Number of rows = 30 / 5 = 6 rows

Therefore, she would need to plant 6 rows of 5 plants each to accommodate all 30 tomato plants.