Hello SraMcGin,

I tried again how you said and I came up with these. Let me know if I did any better. Thanks
1 d
2 d
3 c
4 d
5 c
6 d
7 b
8 d
9 c
10 a
11 c
12 b
13 b- But i think vendiendo mean sellingnot sold?

Thanks for your help!

Original Questions:

1. ¿Qué te gusta hacer?
a)Te gusta jugar al futbol.
b)Me gustan cantar.
c)Le gusta tocar el piano.
d)Me gusta dormir.

2. ¿Cuánto dinero me queda, papá?
a)Te quedan tres dólares.
b)Me queda tres dólares.
c)Le queda un dólar.
d)Te queda cinco dólares.

3. ¿A quién le toca leer?
a)Te toca a Juan.
b)Me tocan a mí.
c)Le toca a Carlos.
d)Les tocan a Lisa y María.

4. ¿Les parece aburrido esto a Uds.?
a)Sí, me parece aburrido.
b)Sí, les parece aburrido.
c)No, no les parece aburrido.
d)No, no nos parece aburrido.

5. ¿Cuánto nos sobra?
a)Nos sobra diez dólares.
b)Les sobra diez dólares.
c)Nos sobran diez dólares.
d)Te sobran diez dólares.

6. ¿Te duele la cabeza?
a)No, no me duele.
b)No, no te duele.
c)Sí, me duelen mucho.
d)Sí, le duele mucho.

7. ¿Un boleto les basta a ellos?
a)Sí, nos basta uno.
b)Sí, les bastan uno.
c)Sí, nos bastan uno.
d)Sí, les basta uno.

8. ¿Qué me falta ahora, mamá?
a)Te faltan dinero.
b)Me faltan mis libros.
c)Te faltan tus libros.
d)Le faltan comer el desayuno.

9. ¿Te vas a bañar?
a)Sí, se baña.
b)No, no te bañas?
c)Sí, me baño.
d)No, no me bañas.

10. Hamburgers are eaten here.
a)Se comen hamburguesas aquí.
b)Se come hamburguesas aquí.
c)Hamburguesas están comidas aquí.
d)Se están comidas hamburguesas aquí.

11. She worries a lot.
a)Ella se preocupa mucho.
b)Ella preocuparse mucho.
c)Ella le preocupa mucho.
d)Ella está preocupada mucho.

12. You (tú) take a shower and then (you) wash the dog.
a)Se duchas y entonces se bañas el perro.
b)Te duchas y entonces bañas el perro.
c)Te bañas y entonces te duchas el perro.
d)Se duchas y entonces bañas el perro.

13. Where are tortillas sold?
a)¿Dónde está vendido las tortillas?
b)¿Dónde se están vendiendo las tortillas?
c)¿Dónde se venden las tortillas?
d)¿Dónde se vende las tortillas?

14. I will get married tomorrow.
a)Yo me casaré mañana.
b)Yo me casas mañana.
c)Yo casaré mañana.
d)Yo caso mañana.

15. We dried off after falling in the water.
a)Nosotros secamos después de caernos en el agua.
b)Nosotros se secamos después de caerse en el agua.
c)Nosotros nos secamos después de caernos en el agua.
d)Nosotros nos secamos después de nos caemos en el agua.

Better, but you still missed 8 out of 15. So there are other things I need to explain to you.

The difference between a reflexive verb (lavarse) and a non-reflexive verb (lavar). With a reflexive verb, SELF or SELVES will be involved. Me lavo = I wash myself (literally) or I get washed. lavo = MUST have an object: I wash, do wash or AM washing "something" must be named. I wash the dog, the car, the floor, etc.

The passive voice is what you are doing here. se vende = one thing is sold / se venden = 2 + things ARE sold. The agent, or person selling is NOT mentioned and the focus is on the THING instead.

Now we'll look at each one that you missed.

#2 = How much money IS LEFT to me, Dad? a) Three dollars ARE LEFT to you. (THIS is the answer.) b) Three dollars IS LEFT to me. c) One dollar IS LEFT to him/or to her. d) Five dollars IS LEFT to you. (You chose this one, but dollars is plural and the verb must be as well.

#6. IS your head hurting you? a) NO, it isn't hurting me. (THIS is the answer.) b) No, it isn't hurting you. c) Yes, THEY ARE hurting me a lot. d) It is hurting him (or her) a lot. (you chose this one = again compare the question with the answer. Your head? MY head.)

#7. Is one ticket enough for them? a) Yes, one is enough for US. b) One ARE left for them. (You selected this one but ticket is singular, not plural.) c) One ARE enough for us. d) One IS enough for THEM. (THIS is the answer.)

Are you with me so far?

#8. What IS lacking to me, Mom? (What am I missing?) a) Money ARE lacking/missing to you. b) My books are lacking/missing to me. c) Your books are lacking/ missing to you. (THIS is the answer.) d) To eat breakfast (Eating breakfast) ARE lacking/missing to you. (You selected this one but "to eat" is singular, not plural.)

#11. She worries a lot = gets worried = worries HERSELF. a) She worries a lot (THIS is the answer.) b) She to worry a lot. (The verb MUST be conjugated to agree with the subject/ella.) c) She is worrying HIM a lot. (You selected this one, but it is a reflexive verb, not a non-reflexive verb.) d) She is worried a lot.

#13. Where are tortillas sold. (literally it looks like "tortillas sell THEMSELVES") a) Where IS tortillas SOLD? b) Where are tortillas BEING SOLD? (You selected this one and it's close but not right on.) c) Where are tortillas selling themselves (literally, but translated as: "Where are tortillas sold?" = THIS is the answer.) d) Whee IS the tortillas SOLD?

#14. I will get married tomorrow. (This is a reflexive verb because MYSELF is getting married. If it were a non-reflexive verb, I would be the minister, priest, etc. marrying "someone" to "someone else.") a) I will get married tomorrow. (THIS is it.) b) I you will marry me tomorrow. (this can not be, because I is the subject, not you.) c) I will marry (but you need a name of someone) tomorrow. (You selected this one, meaning you do not understand the difference between a reflexive and non-reflexive verb.) d) I marry, do marry, am marrying.........WHOM? tomorrow.

15. We dried off after falling in the water. NOW I need to explain that after a preposition (después de) the ONLY form of a verb you may have is an INFINITIVE. Just memorize: "PREPOSITION + INFINITIVE." a) We dried (WHOM?) after falling in the water. b) We dried HIM/HERSELF after falling in the water. (We = nos) c) We dried off after falling in the water. (THIS is the answer.) d) We dried off after we fell in the water. (You selected this one, but if you know "PREPOSITION + INFINITIVE" you will know why it is incorrect.)

Any questions? Tricky, if you are not careful!


2. ¿Cuánto dinero me queda, papá?

a)Te quedan tres dólares.
b)Me queda tres dólares.
c)Le queda un dólar.
d)Te queda cinco dólares.
#2 = How much money IS LEFT to me, Dad? a) Three dollars ARE LEFT to you. (THIS is the answer.) SraJMcGin is rigth, but c is rigth also, because, in spanish, we sometimes use third person (por respeto)

This happens to me every day at work regularly all day long. What can you do? If you know you are just an ordinary person and haven t done literally anything, then the reason they are ignoring you is because they are projecting some image on to you that they have of you, have heard some gossip about you and have believed it or a million other reasons that have more to do with them than you. I have tried asking straight out why and it just complicates things because then you have to defend against whatever they say and if they don t like how you respond the distance grows deeper, wider and more justified in their part.

Hello! Let's go through your answers one by one:

1. ¿Qué te gusta hacer?
Your answer: d) Me gusta dormir.

Correct answer: d) Me gusta dormir.

Great job! You correctly identified that "gustar" is used to express what you like, and "dormir" means "to sleep." So the correct answer is "Me gusta dormir," which means "I like to sleep."

2. ¿Cuánto dinero me queda, papá?
Your answer: d) Te queda cinco dólares.

Correct answer: c) Le queda un dólar.

You incorrectly answered "Te queda cinco dólares." The correct answer is "Le queda un dólar," which means "You have one dollar left."

3. ¿A quién le toca leer?
Your answer: c) Le toca a Carlos.

Correct answer: c) Le toca a Carlos.

Good job! You correctly identified that "le toca" is used to express "it's someone's turn." So the correct answer is "Le toca a Carlos," which means "It's Carlos' turn."

4. ¿Les parece aburrido esto a Uds.?
Your answer: d) No, no nos parece aburrido.

Correct answer: c) No, no les parece aburrido.

You incorrectly answered "No, no nos parece aburrido." The correct answer is "No, no les parece aburrido," which means "No, it doesn't seem boring to you all."

5. ¿Cuánto nos sobra?
Your answer: c) Nos sobran diez dólares.

Correct answer: a) Nos sobra diez dólares.

You incorrectly answered "Nos sobran diez dólares." The correct answer is "Nos sobra diez dólares," which means "We have ten dollars left."

6. ¿Te duele la cabeza?
Your answer: d) Sí, le duele mucho.

Correct answer: a) No, no me duele.

You incorrectly answered "Sí, le duele mucho." The correct answer is "No, no me duele," which means "No, my head doesn't hurt."

7. ¿Un boleto les basta a ellos?
Your answer: b) Sí, les bastan uno.

Correct answer: d) Sí, les basta uno.

You chose "Sí, les bastan uno." The correct answer is "Sí, les basta uno," which means "Yes, one ticket is enough for them."

8. ¿Qué me falta ahora, mamá?
Your answer: a) Te faltan dinero.

Correct answer: c) Te faltan tus libros.

You incorrectly answered "Te faltan dinero." The correct answer is "Te faltan tus libros," which means "You are missing your books."

9. ¿Te vas a bañar?
Your answer: b) No, no te bañas?

Correct answer: c) Sí, me baño.

You incorrectly answered "No, no te bañas?" The correct answer is "Sí, me baño," which means "Yes, I am going to take a shower."

10. Hamburgers are eaten here.
Your answer: b) Se come hamburguesas aquí.

Correct answer: a) Se comen hamburguesas aquí.

You incorrectly answered "Se come hamburguesas aquí." The correct answer is "Se comen hamburguesas aquí," which means "Hamburgers are eaten here."

11. She worries a lot.
Your answer: c) Ella le preocupa mucho.

Correct answer: a) Ella se preocupa mucho.

You incorrectly answered "Ella le preocupa mucho." The correct answer is "Ella se preocupa mucho," which means "She worries a lot."

12. You (tú) take a shower and then (you) wash the dog.
Your answer: d) Se duchas y entonces bañas el perro.

Correct answer: b) Te duchas y entonces bañas el perro.

You incorrectly answered "Se duchas y entonces bañas el perro." The correct answer is "Te duchas y entonces bañas el perro," which means "You take a shower and then wash the dog."

13. Where are tortillas sold?
Your answer: d) ¿Dónde se vende las tortillas?

Correct answer: c) ¿Dónde se venden las tortillas?

You incorrectly answered "¿Dónde se vende las tortillas?" The correct answer is "¿Dónde se venden las tortillas?" which means "Where are tortillas sold?"

14. I will get married tomorrow.
Your answer: c) Yo casaré mañana.

Correct answer: a) Yo me casaré mañana.

You incorrectly answered "Yo casaré mañana." The correct answer is "Yo me casaré mañana," which means "I will get married tomorrow."

15. We dried off after falling in the water.
Your answer: d) Nosotros nos secamos después de nos caemos en el agua.

Correct answer: a) Nosotros secamos después de caernos en el agua.

You incorrectly answered "Nosotros nos secamos después de nos caemos en el agua." The correct answer is "Nosotros secamos después de caernos en el agua," which means "We dried off after falling in the water."

Overall, you did a great job, but there were a few incorrect answers. Remember to pay attention to the subject of the sentence and the correct use of reflexive pronouns. Keep practicing, and you'll improve! Let me know if you have any more questions.