Can a resultant of two vectors be negative?

Yes, of course: 5-7=-2

negative sign indicates direction.

Yes, the resultant of two vectors can be negative. The resultant of two vectors is the vector that represents their sum or difference. It is obtained by adding or subtracting the components of the vectors. When the resultant vector has a negative component in one or more directions, it means that the vectors are acting in opposite directions or the resultant vector is in the opposite direction to one of the vectors.

To determine the resultant vector, you need to consider the directions and magnitudes of the individual vectors. If the vectors are acting in the same direction, their magnitudes will add up, resulting in a positive resultant vector. However, if the vectors are acting in opposite directions, their magnitudes will subtract, and the resultant vector can have a negative component.

To find the resultant vector, you can use vector addition or subtraction. Here's how:

1. If the vectors are given in terms of their components (x and y), add or subtract the magnitudes of the corresponding components to find the resultant vector's components.

For example, if you have two vectors A and B, where A = (Ax, Ay) and B = (Bx, By), the resultant vector R = A + B or R = A - B can be found by adding or subtracting the corresponding components:

R = (Ax + Bx, Ay + By) or R = (Ax - Bx, Ay - By)

The resultant vector R will have a negative component if the subtraction results in a negative value.

2. If the vectors are given in terms of their magnitudes (|A|, |B|), and angles (θA, θB) relative to a reference axis, you can use trigonometry to find the components of the vectors and then apply the method mentioned above.

Remember that vectors are not inherently positive or negative but may have components that are positive or negative depending on the direction in which they act.