Given tan A = .29 find the angle A in degrees. Round your answer to the nearest hundredth.

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arctan (.29) in degrees

To find the angle A in degrees, we can use the inverse tangent function, denoted as tan^(-1) or atan.

First, we need to understand the notation of tan A = 0.29. This means that the tangent of angle A is equal to 0.29.

To find the angle A in degrees, we input the value 0.29 into the inverse tangent function.

Now let's calculate it step by step:

1. Start by taking the inverse tangent of 0.29:

2. Use a scientific calculator or an online trigonometric calculator to evaluate the inverse tangent of 0.29. The result will be in radians.

atan(0.29) = 0.282699

3. Convert the radians to degrees. Since we want the answer rounded to the nearest hundredth, we will do this step at the end.

To convert radians to degrees, multiply by 180/π (pi):

0.282699 * (180/π) ≈ 16.19

4. Finally, round the answer to the nearest hundredth, as stated in the question:

Angle A ≈ 16.19 degrees (rounded to the nearest hundredth).

Therefore, the angle A is approximately 16.19 degrees.