• the contribution of the each individual member;

• your recommendation as to how the marks should be distributed among the members.

i have to write a paragraph for those 2 and many more...but i just dnt understand what these two are asking...pls help...thanks

and yes english is my second language...

I'm sorry you didn't post more of this assignment -- but it looks as though you're supposed to evaluate the work a committee has done.

1. What did each member of the committee do?

2. How do you think each committee member should be graded?


You're welcome.

The first question is asking you to evaluate and explain the contribution of each individual member in a particular scenario or project. To answer this, you should consider the role, effort, skills, and impact of each team member. Consider what they brought to the group, how they participated, and the results of their contributions.

When addressing this question, it is important to provide specific examples and evidence to support your evaluation of each individual's contribution. This can include highlighting specific tasks completed, ideas brought forth, collaboration with others, problem-solving skills, leadership qualities, or any other relevant factors that demonstrate their involvement and impact.

The second question is seeking your recommendation on how to distribute marks or scores among the members. This typically refers to assigning grades or evaluating individual performance. To answer this, it is crucial to consider fairness, equality, and objectivity.

Start by assessing each member's performance and contribution using measurable criteria that were initially set for the project or activity. These criteria can include meeting deadlines, quality of work, effective communication, leadership, teamwork, creativity, or any other relevant factors.

Consider the overall project outcome and how each member's contribution positively affected it. Based on this assessment, you can suggest a fair distribution of marks that accurately reflects each individual's effort and achievement. Your recommendation should be justified and provide a clear, balanced rationale for the distribution of marks.

Remember, when writing your paragraph, provide specific examples and explanations to support your evaluation and recommendations. This demonstrates critical thinking and a thorough understanding of the contributions made by each individual member.