leon shoped for school supplies. when he got home he had $23.50 left. he spent 3 times that much at school suplies . write an expresstion that will tell how money lean had before he went shopping.

i think its $70.50

Your answer doesn't make sense. Your problem states that he spent three times $23.50 and had $23.50 left over.

You're supposed to write an expression.

3(23.5) + 23.5 = x
4(23.5) = x
? = x



To find out how much money Leon had before going shopping, we can set up an equation. Let's represent the amount of money he had before shopping as "x".

Given that he had $23.50 left after shopping, we can write the equation:

x - 3(23.50) = 23.50

Now, let's simplify the equation:

x - 70.50 = 23.50

Next, we can isolate the "x" term by adding 70.50 to both sides of the equation:

x = 23.50 + 70.50

Simplifying further, we get:

x = $94

So, Leon had $94 before he went shopping.