had 20 postoperative deaths.The posteperative dealth rate are calculated by patients who expired in what period of time?

The postoperative death rate is typically calculated by considering the number of patients who died within a specific time period after surgery. To determine the exact time period used in the calculation, you would need to refer to the specific guidelines or criteria being used by the organization or institution that is collecting and analyzing the data.

In medical research and reporting, the most commonly used time periods for calculating postoperative mortality rates are 30 days and in-hospital. The 30-day postoperative mortality rate includes any deaths that occur within 30 days of the surgery, regardless of whether the patient was still in the hospital or not. On the other hand, the in-hospital postoperative mortality rate only includes deaths that occur during the patient's stay in the hospital.

Therefore, to determine the time period relevant to the postoperative death rate of 20, you should refer to the specific guidelines or criteria provided by the source that reported the deaths. These guidelines will specify the timeframe within which the deaths are considered to be postoperative.