What is the smallest possible integer value of x for which (x-8)(x+5)<0?

a) -8

If x + 5 < 0, then -5 would be the integer.

If x -8 < 0, then 8 would be the integer.

Which is smaller?


To find the smallest possible integer value of x for which (x-8)(x+5)<0, we need to determine when the expression changes sign.

The expression (x-8)(x+5) changes sign when one of the factors changes sign. In other words, either (x-8)<0 and (x+5)>0, or (x-8)>0 and (x+5)<0.

To solve the first case, we set (x-8) < 0 and solve for x:
x - 8 < 0
x < 8

Next, we solve the second case:
(x+5) > 0
x > -5

Now, we are looking for the smallest possible integer value of x that satisfies both conditions: x < 8 and x > -5.

The smallest integer value that satisfies both conditions is -4.

Therefore, the answer is e) -4.

To find the smallest possible integer value of x for which (x-8)(x+5)<0, we need to determine the range of values for which the expression (x-8)(x+5) is negative.

First, let's analyze the expression (x-8)(x+5). This expression is negative when either one of the factors is negative and the other is positive.

So we have two cases to consider:

Case 1: (x-8) < 0 and (x+5) > 0
To solve the inequality (x-8) < 0, we add 8 to both sides: x < 8.
To solve the inequality (x+5) > 0, we subtract 5 from both sides: x > -5.
Therefore, in this case, x lies in the range -5 < x < 8.

Case 2: (x-8) > 0 and (x+5) < 0
To solve the inequality (x-8) > 0, we add 8 to both sides: x > 8.
To solve the inequality (x+5) < 0, we subtract 5 from both sides: x < -5.
Therefore, in this case, there are no solutions since the two inequalities cannot be simultaneously true.

Now we need to find the smallest integer value of x that falls in the range -5 < x < 8. The smallest integer within this range is -4.

Therefore, the answer is e) -4.